Youth Coaching

For many young people, answering the questions of "What is most important to me?" and "What do I want to do?" can be overwhelming and scary. They may spend years doing what they think they should do instead of what they truly want to do.

Connecting youth with their inner goals builds confidence, inspires self-reflection, and initiates a practice of self-care that will stay with them throughout their entire adult lives.

Photo by Alex Wang Photogrpahy

Photo by Alex Wang

Coaching supports youth

  • Making significant life choices, such as where to go to college or what career path to pursue

  • Clarifying their personal goals and passions

  • Developing time management skills that best support their goals and passions

  • Increasing self-confidence and the ability to make powerful life choices

  • Managing and improving difficult personal relationships

  • Learning to advocate for themselves 


how it works

When young people have a supportive environment around them, they are capable of incredible feats. Coaching helps lay the foundation of that environment and inspires youth to take ownership of their lives. 

Throughout the coaching process, the coach and youth client collaborate to develop real, actionable steps that embolden the client and that lead to greater fulfillment and improved decision making. These steps are both practical and reflective, and can range from developing a time management system to writing in a daily journal. The process is unique and catered to each individual.