
a little about me

One afternoon as a 19 year old, I sat down with my parents and told them that I was quitting water polo, a decision that included giving up my athletic scholarship to Stanford, submitting my resignation to the US National Women's Water Polo Team and thereby forfeiting my chance for a spot on the first ever US Olympic Women's Team. My parents were shocked, worried, and very confused; my water polo coaches were frustrated and disappointed; and most of my friends couldn't relate to the enormity of what I'd decided to do. I didn't have a plan, just a sense that I had to move on. It was a hard time for me; all my life I had been an athlete, and suddenly that was over.

What followed was a very confusing time during which I left college, moved out of state, worked a handful of jobs that were a terrible fit for me, and struggled to connect with other people in a way that was really meaningful. Looking back on my decision to quit water polo I am confident that it was the right move, but I could have really benefited from some help and guidance around how best to move forward with my life. I did ultimately return to and graduate from Stanford after a year off, but I navigated that journey mostly on my own. The fact that I ended up back on my feet is something I attribute to luck more than anything else. 

As a coach, I want to help others be deliberate about the direction their lives take so it's not left up to chance. I am committed to offering this kind of support to every client in my coaching practice.


My journey to coaching

My journey to coaching started in 2003 when I began coaching water polo at Burlingame High School. That began my 13 year tenure  at the Burlingame Aquatic Club. I worked my first four years as a the club's Head Water Polo Coach leading mostly high-school aged teams, then transitioned into the role of executive director. I loved working with the athletes and was constantly inspired by the effort and determination that they brought with them every day. I especially appreciated seeing an athlete suddenly perform a new skill that they had been struggling to master.

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As the executive director I enjoyed the opportunity to explore the world of business, strategic planning, personnel management, and community development. Yet as the club succeeded and my position expanded, every year I was able to dedicate less and less time to coaching and my ability to directly facilitate personal growth diminished. I loved the organization, the mission, and the value that we provided to the community, but I missed coaching.

By working with my own coach I realized that I wanted to get back to having my day to day work center around direct personal connections rather than administrative work and business strategy. I wanted to focus on supporting people in becoming the person that they most want to be, in living the life of their dreams. That desire led me to the Coaches Training Institute where I began my journey toward becoming a professional coach; it also sparked in me the dream of continuing my work with young people through the practice of coaching.

I am proud to be a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) trained by the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), the internationally recognized leader in professional coach development. The thoughtful and rigorous training that I have undergone to learn this craft has inspired me to share the transformative impact of coaching and has further affirmed my commitment to this profession.